I agree. The title is confusing. How can you possibly save money when you are getting constantly attacked every 12-16 hours and your gold mines aren't produced enough gold to cover the losses.
This is where i have the answer as if you follow my simple technique you can save up for a expensive town hall in no time.
Due to the general inefficiencies of the gold mines my tip in clash of clans is to attack. Attack, attack and attack. this is why elixir is important. Though there is a catch.
After each attack you must ensure you leave clash of clans open on your ipod/iphone as when the game is open you are unable to be attacked. This does require some time but can easily be achieved whilst watching television or a movie
You need to make sure you don't let the ipod/iphone turn off or quit out of clash of clans as even if its off briefly you can be attacked and loss roughly 30-35% of your money. By effectively using this technique you can easily save up for expensive upgrade and soon have the best defence in the game.
For any more advice feel free to email me at clashofclansadvice@gmail.com
Stay tuned for more advice :)
There are some great tips and tricks here for clash of clans. If you would ever like to guest post about clash of clans on my blog for links to your blog feel free to contact me.
ReplyDeleteIncredible! I finally received Unlimited Elixir, Gems and Gold for Free after searching for weeks.Link: http://www.hackscommunity.com/clash-of-clans-hack/
DeleteThe best place online for Clash of Clans gamers is Duxter. They have a really amazing portal just for Clash of Clans gamers including a place to join your clan and compete for prizes, base sharing, and a fully built custom knowledge base. Whether you are looking for tips, tricks, guides, community, or prizes I'd recommend duxter.com/clash-of-clans/
ReplyDeleteVote for my base please!
Clash of Clans Portal
ReplyDeleteHello, I am here to tell you Clash of Clans fans that their is a site where they are giveaway gems to random users. Check it out before the codes are gone. Thanks to Guruhacks for the free gems: http://guruhacks.com
ReplyDeleteAfter each attack you must ensure you leave clash of clans open on your ipod/iphone as when the game is open you are unable to be attacked. clash of clans hack